What’s the Point, Anyway?

Must read and very well written ..Whats the point Anyway..!!?

In the larger scheme of things, on the biggest of the biggest canvas, nothing actually matters. What’s the point? Civilizations have sprouted and vanished, kingdoms have flourished and destroyed, people have been remembered and forgotten. There have been oppressors and oppressed, poor and rich, healers and killers. All have come and gone. What’s the point, anyway?

Why to leave a mark on history? Histories have become histories. Why fear death or embrace life? Who are we? What is that bigger plan we are all part of? Or is there a bigger plan at all? What is wrong and what do we keep changing? What will this change bring to us? Nothing but another change. Then why to change something that is going to change anyway? Why take actions? Why save the earth, the humanity, the animals?

Where are we all going? Where will we reach in the end? If there is no destination, why travel? Or why remain at the same place if there is no bigger plan? Why not just roam around the world?

Why follow religions or political parties or personalities to seek approval and feel secure in these support systems and feel like a part of the community? Why not live an utterly honest life how much ever short it may be. What about seeing things as they are and not as we want them to be? What about living in the moment; the moment which is present right here right now without any past or future? let’s live in the present moment which is the smallest fraction of a second or whatever the smallest moment perceivable by our tiny brains.

What if we live for a day or a century but entirely as who we are, living each moment with our own truths. Our death and life don’t matter at all, do they, in the bigger picture? Let’s talk about death, why do we have to avoid this subject? In fact, we do talk about death all the time but we call it life instead. Don’t we? Life in nothing but a journey towards an end point which is called death. had there been eternity, we would never talk about life.

You know what, break rules, norms, social contracts, social conventions, religious rites and rituals. Let’s live in the oblivion. Do what you want. nothing really matters at all. Free Yourself! Liberate Yourself!

Project Go Native

This post is not about traveling, rather about our journey into the oblivion. This is something I think about a lot. Read it with an open mind and share your thoughts with me. I would love to know what people think about this.

In the larger scheme of things, on the biggest of the biggest canvas, nothing actually matters. What’s the point? Civilizations have sprouted and vanished, kingdoms have flourished and destroyed, people have been remembered and forgotten. There have been oppressors and oppressed, poor and rich, healers and killers. All have come and gone. What’s the point, anyway?

Why to leave a mark on history? Histories have become histories. Why fear death or embrace life? Who are we? What is that bigger plan we are all part of? Or is there a bigger plan at all? What is wrong and what do we keep changing? What will this change…

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  1. Neethu says:


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